Mon 16 | Tues 17 | Wed 18 | Thurs 19 | Fri 20 |
Maths Money Notation 1. TB. p. 39 2. WS- #1 | Maths Money Notation 1. WS – #2 | Maths Addition and Subtraction of currency 1. WS – #3 | Maths Addition and Subtraction of Currency 1. WS- #4 | Maths Review WS – #5 |
Grammar Prefix 1. un- ELA. p. 90 | Grammar Prefix 1. dis – ELA p.102 | Social National Anthem and Pledge Copy in TB | Science Food web TB. p. 73-76 Act. p.76 | Creative Writing |
Agr-Science Plants used by ancestors. WS -p. 59, 62, 63, 64 | Science Food Chain TB, p. 68-72 Ex. p. 77 | Creative Writing Writing sentences for a comic strip | Social Studies Demonstration- National Anthem, Pledge | Grammar Prefix Write sentences 1. un- ELA p.91 (act 2) 2. dis- ELA p. 103 (act 2) |
Penmanship 1. TB. p. 63,64 2. ELA, p. 91 (act 3) | Literary Appreciation Character trait Organizer | VAPA Recite poem using hand gestures () | Reading Comprehension Passage, “Three Foolish People“, p. 89-89, questions | Spelling |
Mental Math Adding money mentally | Reading “Three Foolish People”, p.86-89 practice reading using appropriate volume and tone. | Reading “Three Foolish People”, p. 86-89 practice reading. | Comprehension Continue with questions —— Spelling | Vocabulary —– |
VCCE Showing care for your country Video: 10 ways to be a good citizen | VCCE National pride and Nation building | Spelling | Spelling | Media |
Oral Comm. Greeting and expressing self | Vocabulary | Vocabulary | Spanish Occupations | PE Techniques in throwing, catching, striking. |
Week 5