Parts of Speech Worksheets


Parts of Speech

There are nine (9) parts of speech you should know. They are the categories of word classes and are:

  1. Nouns. A noun is a word that names a person, a place, an animal, a thing, or an idea. They are either singular or plural, common or proper, abstract or concrete, masculine or feminine. There are possessive, collective and compound nouns.
  2. Determiners. There is only one determiner with a noun.
  3. Pronouns. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun, a group of words acting as a noun, or another pronoun. The word or group of words a pronoun refers is called its antecedent.
  4. Adjectives. An adjective is a describing word. It tells us more about a noun. Adjectives can be in colour and number.
  5. Verbs. Many verbs are doing words. The tense of the verb tells us when the action takes place. Verbs expresses time by the use of tenses. A verb links or joins the subject of sentence (often a noun or a pronoun) with a noun, a pronoun or an adjective. The verb tenses you should know are: present, past and future tense.
  6. Adverbs. An adverb tells us more about a verb. Adverbs tell us when, where, how, and to what degree something happened. Adverbs add meaning.
  7. Interjection. An interjection is a word or a phrase that expresses an emotion or exclamation. An interjection is set apart from other words in a sentence. Interjections have an exclamation point or a comma (when the feeling is not so strong).
  8. Prepositions. A preposition is a word that shows the relationship of one thing to another. Prepositions tell us about position.
  9. Conjunctions. A conjunction is a joining word. Conjunctions are sometimes called connectives. We can join two short sentences with a conjunction. They also join words or phrases. Conjunctions may sometimes consist of more than one word, for example ‘as soon as’.


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Poem: Parts of Speech

Three little words you often see
Are articles a, an, and the.
A noun’s the name of anything,
As house or garden, hoop or swing.
Instead of nouns the pronouns stand—
Her head, your face, his arm, my hand.
Adjectives tell the kind of noun,
As great, small, pretty, white or brown.
Verbs tell something to be done—
To read, count, sing, laugh or run.
How things are done the adverbs tell,
As slowly, quickly, ill or well.
Conjunctions join the words together,
As men and women, wind or weather.
The preposition stands before
A noun, as in or through a door.
The interjection shows surprise,
As oh! how pretty, ah! how wise.
The whole are called nine parts of speech,
Which reading, writing, speaking teach.



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