What makes up a Book – Parts of a book

The books you read have a cover that was designed to capture your attention, and an interior that have also been designed and formatted. All books have a front cover, back cover and a spine. They protect the pages within.

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A traditional book has the following:

  1. Cover. This has title of the book and names of the author and illustrator(s).
  2. The Back Cover. This has the ISBN number. An ISBN number is an International Standard Book Number each book has. It is 10-15 digits long.The ISBN identifies the registrants, specific title, edition and format of the book.
  3. Title Page. This is the first page you see when you open a book.
  4. Table of Contents. This is a key part of most books. It acts as a road map for the book. It lists the chapter titles and page number each chapter starts on.
  5. Appendices, Notes, or Bibliography. Most books, particularly nonfiction, provide extra information in this section. Appendices are typically photos, illustrations, lists of vocabulary, ideas, or quotes. Notes are usually text, such as footnotes. They are typically divided according to the chapter they refer to. Bibliography is text, provided to readers so they can find additional information if they wish to know more about a particular topic mentioned in the book. The author had quoted from these books. These ideas were not entirely the authors’. The bibliography is listed alphabetically.
  6. A glossary is an alphabetical listing of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms. The glossary is important for non-fiction books, but my appear in some fictions. The glossary is usually found at the end of a book. The words defined are necessary to help the reader as they are new, uncommon, or specialized terms. This is one reason the glossary is also known as a vocabulary.
  7. An index is a listing of the important words or ideas, layed out alphabetically or om order by page numbers. It is often found at the end of the book. Unlike the glossary, it will not define the words, but tell the page number.